Sunday, November 2, 2008

Domestic Violence Up Close

Hello, my name is Allyson Deese. I am in my early twenties and sadly I am a mother who will never see her precious babies grow up.

Why you ask? Because I too, was a scared teenage victim of domestic violence. It took me have my precious baby girls literally beaten out of me, to wake up. To shake my fear of my violent ex. Who as he as finally being taken to jail, told me and my babies to go to hell, which is now his place of residence.

My short story “Discovering the Joy Within” (featured in The Triumph of My Soul) is just the beginning of my story, and gives you just a small taste of my pain.

God blessed me with a way to work through the pain, by writing. I would trade it all in if I could go seven years back in time and bring my baby girls back.

Since, I can’t I will cherish their precious memories by using my experiences to try and save another woman’s life.

I am almost done writing the novel version of “Discovering the Joy Within” I pray that you will take heed to my warnings and love yourselves more than you love any man. We have to learn to love ourselves as God has always loved us. It’s a lesson that I myself am currently learning. Please learn it with me.

To give someone the gift of knowing they are loved, please purchase your copy of Somebody Prayed for Me autographed by me, at my website

It features poetry by me including the title poem, “Somebody Prayed for Me” and my short story, “Her Silent Hell” which even though its fiction, it does display some true events of other domestic violence survivors as well as those who died due to domestic violence.

God Bless,

Allyson M. Deese

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