Saturday, August 1, 2009

Are you a single parent? How are you coping in this economy?

Clearly this economy has plagued our country and victimized millions, but single parent households may be disproportionastely affected. Single parents struggle to juggle both full-time and part-time jobs, commitments to children, schools, churches, and the community at large. Many find themselves on overload.

How are you coping in this economy? Share your tips, ideas, and concerns here. I will check back regularly and add mine as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just because the economy is slow, it doesn't mean you can't enjoy outings with your children. I can remember being queen of the kids eat free restaurants. Look for them in your area. Restaurants like Applebees, Fudruckers, and others offer kids eat free on certain days of the week. All the kids know is that they've gotten a chance to spend quality time with mom or dad.

Check back for more tips